Monday, November 7, 2011

30 Days of Blessings 11-7-11

Thankful for the life I have led, every twist and turn.

1 comment:

  1. Oh the mess I had made, now being used as a message to others:


    Here is a small part of my testimony:

    I recall a defining moment in my walk with Christ several years ago...someone... whom I had given authority to hold me accountable...whom I trusted...spoke truth to me, and not in the kindest way...but it had love written all over it.

    They were ruthless, but they had to be. This truth had to be delivered to me at point blank, and it hit the bulls-eye - it shot me straight through the heart! Honestly, I deserved it. I was out of line, I needed a swift kick in the head.

    Was I happy at the moment I was being taken to the wood shed? Umm no!

    But... I made a decision in that moment. Humility.
    That decision changed the course of my life.
    I knew God had intervened in that moment and truth stared me right in the face.
    I turned. I faced True North.

    True North for me began at the place of humility.

    For the first time in my life I didn't cower and run onto the path of offense, I didn't run to my neighbor and speak ill of my accuser. I didn't whine or stomp my feet. I didn’t poison the well, leave and take a bunch of people with me.

    Instead, I stood tall and I faced the truth. I was defenseless.

    In return, I have been given such grace, mercy, love and honor.

    I have grown more in the last three years of my life, than the decades that preceded it. I am thankful to my True North mentors who are not afraid to speak the truth in love.

    I am a better human being because of them.

    Thank you for teaching me to Speak:Life!
    I love you Pastor Brent & Londa Ramsey!
