Monday, June 27, 2016


Today its official! 
I have become a senior citizen.  

That's right! I am 55!!

I way! 

I don't feel "old"...and I definitly do not think I look (ahhh...vanity) But...truth is truth...the number doesn't lie...and its totally OK!

I am actually excited about 55!

This is my crossroad...

where life experiences and wisdom meet gray hair, slower metabolism and a plethora of discounts. It's a mixed bag of emotions for me...which if I am not mindful...could cause great anxiety, except for one thing...I am thankful!

I am ever so grateful. Blessed beyond measure.

I am proud of the life I have lived. I have a beautiful wonderful family. My husband is a man women dream of marrying...loyal, faithful, harworking, playful and fun.

My kids are carving out their lives...covered in grace, integrity and faith. I belong to a solid church, my friend list is too long to name them all...some of them spanning more than 30 years, and we are still friends!

 I have lived a very wealthy life. I am blessed.

Yes, sure... there have been many regrets over five decades of life on earth, but I have walked through them.  I have been forgiven and I have given forgiveness.

Now, I am spending my latter years sharing my story and helping others find freedom and let go of the shame and regret of their own hurts and choices. I take serious the call I have answered from Revelation 12;11 " by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony there is victory"...its not easy baring my soul to share the hard things...but  one thing I know for sure...I can't say no.

Isaiah 61 & Luke 4 are anthems for me...

I will preach the good news to the hurting,
bring healing to the broken hearted
reconcile generations together again
and unlock the prison cell for those
in bondage of guilt & shame

I must go...

My pastor put it this way:
"because its no longer about what I want...
 its about what others need."

I am thankful to be alive and Fifty-Five!

I live everyday remembering to have an attidue of gratefulness. Honestly? Some days, its hard...our world has gone mad...but I press forward, looking for the good in others and sharing the hope of heaven with them....

Truth be told...Thankfulness has stilled my fear of growing old...cause if I let it, I could wither under the pain and anxiety of regret...I could wallow in self pity and loniliness living in an empty nest...but instead, I stand firm!

I sing out praise to the one who rescued me, my heart leaps with joy for the nod of the ressurected King...the words " well done, good and faithful one" drive me to live blessed to bless others and its amazing...the attitude of "thank you" has quieted the aches and pains of this aging body and calmed my forgetful, anxious mind when I am tempted to ask...what next?

Thank you, Kris Vallotton for posting this today:
June 27, 2016
I feel like it was just for me, but I am willing to share...

Click on the link below and be blessed, and share with others too!

Please share...

Live in Peace by Kris Vallatton

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