Friday, October 31, 2014


P  E  R  S  P  E  C  T  I  V  E  

The ability to perceive things in their actual interrelations or comparative importance
1. a way of regarding situations, facts, etc, and judging their relative importance
2. the proper or accurate point of view or the ability to see it; objectivity


Below is a video I want to share with you. I understand some will not agree with my perspective, but that is the beauty - its mine.

I hesitated sharing, but the representation of a man moving from the crossroads of pride and arrogance to the place of repentance and humility is evident and I believe there are others who will and need to see this as well...I pray it brings perspective.

I am thankful for Pastor Robert Morris is exemplifying what brotherly love looks like!!  

LISTEN and UNDERSTAND...he did not just “jump on the bandwagon” in pastor Mark’s defense!!  He did it the right way….He sought truth! Pastor Morris, along with other respected leaders, are holding a Mark Driscoll accountable, while loving him through the process...and ...key...Mark is receptive to it.

They are Speaking Life so that he can live!!  I love that!!

Grace. Mercy. Correction. They must all work in unison.

When only speaking grace and mercy - without correction and accountability - it becomes a fertile ground for flattery, patronization and idolization. Correction brings balance, keeps the authentic valid.

Beware of leaders who stomp their feet and demand “their way or the highway”. Its suspect that there hearts may be hurting or worse...are not pure, their intention is not for those they lead, but for themselves. They may want to ‘win at all costs’, because it builds up their image. They will bring division and destruction and leave loyal wounded warriors in their path wondering what happened.

After watching several videos, searching for the truth -  from my perspective - I have gained more respect for Mark Driscoll, despite what you may have read in the media (cause you know its not all true, right??)  
Was he a radical preacher? Yes!  
Did he cross the line in his sermons? That depends on your perspective. 
Was he a bully behind the scenes - probably - big personalities can fall into that easily - 

However...seeing him now -- listening to perspective is different...because...I see a different man - I see a man who has listened and sought understanding. I see a man whose veil has been removed. I see a man who is healing. I see authentic humility.

Pastor Mark is walking out this part of his journey with great humility and repentance. Was it easy - heck no! He is fighting for his life right now, for his family and for his restoration!

He has admitted his failures and has apologized intently. I have watched several videos of him talking to his church about his need for a season of stepping out of ministry to find healing and restoration. I read his resignation letter.

There is consistency in his story, which lends itself to the validity of his humility...I believe him.  
You see...we are going through this same journey, but we have the perspective of the church - the parallels are uncanny...we as a corporate body sought truth, with loving, honoring correction. witnessed the destruction and knew it was necessary to encourage for our leader to take a time of rest, to allow healing and restoration...but the difference with Pastor Mark and our situation...when confronted...Pastor Mark took a time out. He sought Godly perspective. He considered all perspectives, not just his own. He rested. He sought healing...his own and that of those he had the honor to lead...He chose peace, love, grace, accountability, restoration. He chose humility. That is the difference.


Pastor Mark Driscoll did it right.
He took responsibility for his actions.
He apologized.
He sought reconciliation.
He realized his need for help and asked for it.
He is not blaming anyone else.
He is not defending himself.
He is not playing the victim.

Contrary to the way he has been portrayed…
He did not demand. He did not fire his staff. He did not change the locks.
He did not dismiss his elders. He did not force his congregation to stand “for or against” him so they could be counted like sheep to the slaughter.
He did not divide his church, then immediately began campaigning for supporters.
He did not start a church down the road. He is not preaching, right now.

He simply took a break and after taking the time away, through prayer and counsel a veil was removed and he realized, he had to change things. The realization that the ministry had become his life that his attitude of the “show must go on”  nearly destroyed him... but now - healing is evident --pastoring his family is what is most important - his alignment has been adjusted. Knowing and admitting the depth of destruction his actions caused, he resigned.

Now, He is submitting to correction, to counsel and become whole and being accountable to rebuild his ministry the right way is what he is doing. I believe Mark Driscoll is a voice God will use again and if he remains humble, God will bless him abundantly. I know any of this for certain? No. Its just my perspective, based on my research to seek truth and to seek God's perspective.

Watch the video, read the resignation letter, the church's reaction to his resignation...tell me...what do you see?

Resignation Letter

Church response to resignation

Mars Hill Church will close all its churches.
Church Closes

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