Thursday, January 14, 2016



My God is a jealous God.  His relentless pursuit of me and YOU is astounding. His wish is that not one of us perish. That we would all reign in Heaven with Him. That we would all come home...I am thankful for His boundless love.

His grace, too, is boundless. There is nothing that grace won't cover for those who are humble and repent. What Jesus did for me on that cross in beyond comprehension...its unfathomable.

Reemember freedom comes by the Blood of the Lamb AND by the Word of our Testimony. Even though I believed this and knew I had recieved his full forgiveness, which brought me salvation... 

I still held onto some of my sin. 

I didn't commit these sins any longer, but I kept them a secret, from everyone. Its private right? Between me and God, right?


I was pretending to be whole, while I was only sharing the best parts of my journey, picking and choosing the highlights to share, keeping the dirty secrets hidden...because, honestly, I wanted others to approve. 

But then...His pursuit of me became intense...

Suttle things began to take place that threatened my secrets being revelead and then I stumbled upon Matthew 10:33

I say stumbled, because I avoided the corrective verses in the BIble..those were for someone else...I was already saved. (Yes, I used to think this way)


It was then I realized what I had done. I had denied what He had done for me...

I had been a christian for nearly17 years and the entire time I was keeping my sin a secret and denying the full testimony of Jesus...

When I realized what I had done, my heart shattered. 

Repentance came like a flood and His grace covered me. I spent more and more time seeking the Lord. Praying and listening...for weeks...until I knew who who He was and trusted Him to walk beside me as I revealed my secrets. 

His grace was sufficient. 

My masks have been removed!

I want to share with you something I wrote during this time of being revealed at a womens summit. I was asked to give my testimony and given only 1 minute to share...I thought to myself...are they kidding? I politely asked for more time and their response - they gave me 3 minutes. 

I thought to myself, there is no way I can bring what the Lord is calling me to reveal in 3 minutes...But being obedient, I went to prayer and as He always does, the Holy Spirit led me to create a unique way to tell part of my story, this is my first testimony, while was still safe. 

Have you ever heard of a spoken word?

In a basic sense, SPOKEN WORD is a rhythmic poetry. It is performed enthusiastically (be it vibrant or emotional), rather than just read plainly. Like other art forms, it is a form of self-expression, and can be used as therapy for the artist and the listener.
Here is my first Spoken Word:
I’m hear to tell you my story…

But it’s not to raise me up
Its to bring Him glory

So listen up friends
I gotta make it fast
cause I’ve only got a minute
to talk about my past
Let me give fair warning…
its gonna be a ride
This aint no fairy tale.
No longer will I hide

Let me start where it ended,
          the place that I died.   
I stood up before a crowd
and declared with a shout
The inheritance is mine
I am taking my rightful place
As the bride right here, right now 

I served notice to the enemy
unveiled the mask that hid me
I found courage to take a stand.
And when I did…
The Lord took my hand

I understand full well
This is an assignment 
He’s perfected
To Speak Life & Live
To those who have been rejected

To heal the broken hearted
The ones behind the veil
where guilt shame and condemnation
have been their prison cell

I know who they are
I understand their pain
I've walked their walk
The world I knew as a girl
Was darkness and despair
Unspeakable abuse, lies, torment wasn't fair

See I walked this earth stuck
behind a mask of imperfection
on the outside I pretended
to be the perfect born again Christian
but inside I was still broken, 
my life played out like a cheap charade
deep dark secrets left unspoken 

Then one day God crashed in
 revealing my true identity
It came as a voice from the grave  
and brought a revelation
 with just four little words
about my creation
snapped me into reality
with a clear revelation.
You Were Never Wanted
These words were spoken
Into my wounded heart  & soul
That was already broken

It was her last confession
-My first reaction –
was to tighten the mask…
the one I'd always worn
so no one would ask

All the lies and deception
before my conception
I finally had the answer
To all the rejection 

The journey from that day
to this place that I stand
is now I know 
Who I am.
I know the truth of my existence
I know why I was born
No longer do I have an identity crisis

Love came in, and rescued me
Took away the pain
To reveal my true identity
Though I was despised for living
I am loved in the heavenly

HIs Word came alive in Jeremiah one five
He knew me  -before- He formed me
He called me by name
He chose me, raised me,
and now here I stand
For such a time as this...

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