Sunday, March 8, 2020
Live Kind
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Clean the slate.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Forging ahead.
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
My view
Monday, December 26, 2016
When you cant find words...
Speaking Life is not easy...
I have been on a journey the past few years. You see I wasn't always like this. I have walked out of a dark place, where my tongue was loose, where it wielded immense destruction in my life and the life of others. I didn't arrive to this mindset in a moment. I had to fail miserably first. I came to a crossroads in my life that stared me square in the eyes. Someone I looked up to was lovingly bold and spoke truth into my life.
Life giving truth.
I was out of line. I was hurting others. I was leading others to speak death, through complaining, judgement and gossip. I had become an open vessel to others speaking death, instead of life and it was becoming a monster. I made a choice that day and have been on an incredible journey to humble myself, become teachable, accountable and obedient. God transformed my speech.
He did so much more! God transformed my life. Through my walk from a destructive tongue to a voice that seeks to only speak life, I feel honored to be released to encourage others to speak life, I am humbled to share my journey with you.
Speaking life is not easy, it is a discipline and one I must build upon every single breath I breathe.
There are moments that are tougher then others to speak life, especially behind closed doors. We all tend to let our guards down and in a moment of discussion; thoughts and words can be spoken that are not life giving. I still have moments where I struggle, usually when I am tired, stressed or not feeling the best. I have to be on guard and if I slip up, I must be humbled, repent and seek forgiveness.
I find the more time I spend in the quiet place, the better equipped I am to handle the daily triggers that would otherwise unleash my tongue to wield deathly blows. I want to be a life giver, a speaker of truth. I want to be an encourager!
My prayer every day is this: Lord, teach me to love the way you love, to only use my tongue to bring life.
Another area I am still working on...
Driving: Whether I am behind the wheel or a passenger, the judgement of drivers in other vehicles comes far too easily through my tongue, I justify "safety" is the reason I say things that are not life giving, thankfully swear words have all been eliminated from my speech, but even so, the words are not kind. My pride and arrogance lead me to speak, believing I am a better driver. There is death in impatience, pride and arrogance.
Lord help me to be humble and hold my tongue..
These are areas that are practical to work towards the goal of speaking life, practicing, failing, starting over until it becomes habit to speaking life in all situations.
The hardest place to speak life, is the hurting place. The place where pain and suffering dwell.
What happens when you speak life and death still comes?
If I believe the Word of God is 'alive' and I trust the author and the finisher of life, and the only tool I have access to is what is written in that word, and I have purposefully captured my thoughts....being mindful to speak life over those fighting for theirs... then I have no choice but to accept the end result, no matter what it is...
It is my quandry, if I have accepted the call to intercede, then I must speak life, even in the midst of death.
This is where the strength of the Lord carries me...when the baby dies, I speak life...when the 12 year old dies, I speak life. When the wife, the husband, the friend...leaves this earthly place through death, I must speak life.
My human mind wants to kick and scream like a sibling who got the smaller half of the sandwich - No Fair! Death in human form is unacceptable in our human capacity, our very essence feels robbed of the physical presence wrapped in what we as humans consider love.
It is in the place of speaking life that life is given back to us, through the power of the Holy Spirit. he carries us through, He comforts us, He promises us the precious promise of a grand reunion for those who believe in Jesus, the life giver.
I will seek to speak life, even in the midst of death, only because my Lord and Savior - Jesus Christ - has spoken to me through His death and I was given a new life, one I couldn't have ever hoped to live, without Him.
Though not perfected, my journey has given me tools to teach others...please visit my website and consider inviting me to speak at your next event.
Facing the Giants
- 75 abortion facilities closed
- 141 abortion workers quit their jobs
- 12,668 lives saved from abortion
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Thankful for you! Get the nook. Join the challenge!
Follow my I AM Challenge board on Pinterest...
Monday, June 27, 2016
where life experiences and wisdom meet gray hair, slower metabolism and a plethora of discounts. It's a mixed bag of emotions for me...which if I am not mindful...could cause great anxiety, except for one thing...I am thankful!
I am ever so grateful. Blessed beyond measure.
I am proud of the life I have lived. I have a beautiful wonderful family. My husband is a man women dream of marrying...loyal, faithful, harworking, playful and fun.
I have lived a very wealthy life. I am blessed.
Yes, sure... there have been many regrets over five decades of life on earth, but I have walked through them. I have been forgiven and I have given forgiveness.
Now, I am spending my latter years sharing my story and helping others find freedom and let go of the shame and regret of their own hurts and choices. I take serious the call I have answered from Revelation 12;11 " by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony there is victory"...its not easy baring my soul to share the hard things...but one thing I know for sure...I can't say no.
Isaiah 61 & Luke 4 are anthems for me...
I will preach the good news to the hurting,
bring healing to the broken hearted
reconcile generations together again
and unlock the prison cell for those
in bondage of guilt & shame
I must go...
My pastor put it this way:
"because its no longer about what I want...
its about what others need."
I am thankful to be alive and Fifty-Five!
I live everyday remembering to have an attidue of gratefulness. Honestly? Some days, its hard...our world has gone mad...but I press forward, looking for the good in others and sharing the hope of heaven with them....
Truth be told...Thankfulness has stilled my fear of growing old...cause if I let it, I could wither under the pain and anxiety of regret...I could wallow in self pity and loniliness living in an empty nest...but instead, I stand firm!
I sing out praise to the one who rescued me, my heart leaps with joy for the nod of the ressurected King...the words " well done, good and faithful one" drive me to live blessed to bless others and its amazing...the attitude of "thank you" has quieted the aches and pains of this aging body and calmed my forgetful, anxious mind when I am tempted to ask...what next?
Thank you, Kris Vallotton for posting this today:
June 27, 2016
I feel like it was just for me, but I am willing to share...
Click on the link below and be blessed, and share with others too!
Please share...
Live in Peace by Kris Vallatton
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Thought to ponder...
When you believe any lie of the enemy, it can become a shackle to cause you to hold back, get tripped up and keep you from living His promise or fulfilling your purpose.
It's worse when you agree and far worse... When you repeat it!!
Words kill, words give life;
they’re either poison or fruit—you choose. -Proverbs 18:21 MSG
Here is a Revi for today:
Do not let the enemy"diss"you anymore!!
Have you felt...
Have you been under attack?
Then you might just be...
Dis-Armed !!!
Want the key to live out your purpose?
Speak Life & Live!
That's right!
I know that seems too simplified, but when you stop giving the enemy credit and stop agreeing with his"diss"... and start proclaiming the Word of God over your life... something will shift within you, faith and belief will rise to the next level...
Speak out these words...
Ok... Now are you ready for one more tidbit?
I am not going to list scripture for you to look up to find these promises... Nope! I want you to seek out the Word, it's easy...
Google it! Use the Bible App! Be intentional about your faith!
Start with searching:
"Be Encouraged Bible" and see where that leads... then open your Bible and read...
Here is my prayer for you from Ephesians 1:
I ask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of glory—to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life he has for his followers, oh, the utter extravagance of his work in us who trust him—endless energy, boundless strength!
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Join in...
Todays post is one message you want to read to get all the blessings you have waiting!
I AM Obediently Blessed!!
Do you have an event you are planning -- I would love to come and share Speak Life & Live!
Check out my website for more details!
Monday, May 16, 2016
We have begun another round of the I Am Challenge.
Grab your book...(or order one if you don't have a copy yet) and join in on this 21 day trek to speaking life to yourself -- I promise you will be uplifted, encouraged and empowered!
Check out the links below to join us today!
Here is our facebook page:
Need a book You can order on Amazon/Kindle/Barnes&Noble
Ready? GO!
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Tells me that I'm fearless
He shares a melody
Tells me to repeat it
And it makes me whole
It reminds my soul
I am all He says I am
I am all He says I am
I am all He says I am
And He says I am His own
I was blinded by scales upon my eyes
Then He came like a light
And burned up all the lies
He set me free
He reminded me
I am all He says I am
I am all He says I am
I am all He says I am
An He says I am His own
Chains are broken
Scales are on the floor
Truth is spoken
I'm no orphan anymore
I am loved
I am new again
I am free
I'm no slave to sin
I'm saint
I am righteousness
I'm alive